Passion 2022 – David Platt
54 min
David Platt invites us into the stories of unreached people around the world, pleading with us to refuse to settle for a casual, comfortable, cultural Christianity. Instead, we are challenged to follow Jesus and let His worldwide plan of ransom and rescue dictate everything we think, desire, and do.

Passion 2022 – Ben Stuart
32 min
Ben Stuart tackles the topic of anxiety, reminding us that we were made for one thing—to know, enjoy, and glorify God. Yet, distraction and anxiety can derail us from our God-given destiny. By beginning to understand how to cast our anxieties on Him, we can embrace His Word and leverage every breath to glorify Him.

Passion 2022 – Jennie Allen
23 min
Jennie Allen reminds us that there is healing in confession through connecting with people, connecting with God, and saying it out loud instead of hiding behind a wall of shame. Through Christ, we have been empowered to throw off the weight and sin that entangles us so that we can run the race that God has for us.